Steamboat Springs / Routt County June 2012 Real Esate Statistics
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
June was an amazing month, the best in a long time! There were 109 transactions totaling $65.4 million in sales, with one big sale of $14 million. Even discounting the $14 million sale, the month was way up! While transaction numbers are still off, there are some good signals for the average price and price per square feet. A notable situation is the lack of Interval Sales, there were only 3. One of the other factors that really contributed to the sales volume in June was the sell-off of the Trailhead Lodge units. There were 16 units with a gross volume of $7,057,800. Average price per square foot was $368.97. There were a total of 30 Bank Sales (16 Trailhead Lodge) and 14 in other areas of the county. The highest priced sale was for a ranch property in the Yampa/Toponas area for $14 million. Although there are 4 residential units on this large acreage property, the value is probably more oriented towards the land size.