Real estate sale -Steamboat auction of Trailhead at Wildhorse luxury condominiums
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Steamboat auction of Trailhead condos - fire sale pricing. A 3 bedroom residence originally advertised at $1,600,000 was just advertised at $425,000. Sounds too good to be true? It might very well be! $425,000 is the minimum bid price, but it’s not the reserve price ( “unpublished” price determined by the seller) Make sure you read the fine print. This is a good example of why you should be represented by a Real Estate Agent when deciding if this opportunity is for you. As stated in Trailhead Auction Brochure by Kennedy Wilson:
The list price is the opening bid for Auction Day: Sunday, May 6th. All residences including unit 4104, 3 bed, 3 bath, 1544 sq ft unit advertised at $425,000 “have an “unpublished” reserve price, which means that the seller has established an “unpublished” minimum selling price. The Starting Bid is not the reserve price. The highest bid is subject to acceptance by the seller. All offers are subject to Seller’s acceptance and will not be reviewed prior to auction date:5/6/2012 The builder reserves the right to modify features, plans, specifications, and materials without notice The square footage shown is approximate and is not based upon the dimensions shown in the condominium plan and does not reflect the usable square footage of the interior ares of a unit. It is the responsibility of all prospective buyers to inspect the residences prior to the auction and satisfy themselves as to their physical condition Purchasers will become members of the Trailhead Lodge Homeowners association and Wildhorse Meadows Master Association.
Auction preview is open daily from 11AM to 6PM Auction Day Sunday May 6th, 2012 1PM at Denver Marriott City Center. Bidders are advised to arrive no later than noon. Auction Seminar Sunday April 29 at 1PM
The HOA (Home owners association) costs include an outdoor heated pool, several hot tubs, athletic facilities and a gondola. How will these costs and other land transfers effect the monthly HOA cost and what is the history? Call Dean Laird to register for the auction 970-846-8284 or contact me.