Thirst for more Steamboat homeowner dollars.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Similar to your cable bill, it seams every year we see a notice of increase for our water and sewer. http://www.stea … e-explanation/. Jay with the Mount Werner Water and Sanitation District points out that

The proposed increases in wastewater treatment fees and tap fees will affect not only residents and businesses in the City District, but also those in the [tag]Mount Werner[/tag] Water District, [tag]Steamboat II[/tag], and [tag]Tree Haus[/tag].

Big or little government seems to follow the same path. When times are good they don’t take that as a sign it’s time to save for the likelihood of bad days ahead. We can’t look back; its time to plan for our future and this just may be one of those increases we need to live with. Meanwhile, there is always that idea to conserve water and I’m guessing you won’t see your bill affected as much.

Foreclosed, bank owned, incredible views and cheap!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

steamboat-foreclosure.jpg Eagles Overlook name fits this property well. Perched high above the valley, these views cannot be beat. Similar listings are priced around $1,000,000. Recently reduced to under $500,000, this 5 bedroom, over 3000 sqft property is by far the best deal on the market right now. There are some items to raise an eyebrow such as stains on the carpet and some drywall damage from previous leaks, higher HOA’s and multiple levels. Nonetheless - worthy of a look.


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